Dustin-David Chu

Fine art portrait photographer

Dustin-David Chu is a creative portrait and fine art photographer based in San Francisco, California. His works represents a documentation of his journey with his mental health, evoking resiliency and spirituality outside of religion in his self-portraits and highlighting emotions, lighting, shadows, and bold colors in his general portraiture; symbolic in a way that hope breaks out of the darkness we as humans will all come to experience. Born in 1993 and raised on the island of Oahu, Dustin-David grew up in a conservative Christian household, where over the years, the theology of Christianity and self-awareness in the nature of his sexuality began to conflict. Dustin has since then lived in various parts of the west coast in the United States, where his journey with photography unraveled. From experimenting with sub-genres in architecture, urban exploration, landscapes, and works of abstract in the Pacific Northwest, to studying portraiture and lighting in Las Vegas, Dustin now remains in the Bay Area presenting works of fine art, studying photojournalism and spirituality outside of religion, and being a mental health advocate in the LGBTQIA+ community.